Tag: C++ Programming

C++ Memory Management

Everyone knows that memory management is a difficult and dangerous chore in C++. This series of three articles will show you that the conventional wisdom is not true. When approached correctly, C++’s seemingly archaic memory-management scheme actually provides an opportunity to create spectacular programs – programs that would not be possible with more modern languages that handle memory automatically.

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Transitioning from C to C++: A Quick Guide for Novice Programmers

As we begin the study of C++ and object oriented programming, a few comments are in order to help you get started. Since the field of object oriented programming is probably new to you, you will find that there is a significant amount of new terminology for you to grasp. This is true of any new endeavor and you should be warned not to be intimidated by all of the new concepts.

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Working with Namespaces in C#

Every application begins with a namespace in C# .NET that has the same name as the project. Of course, you can change the namespace to anything you like in order to maintain compatibility with other projects. For example we declared namespace Mycplus.CSharpBasics while taking an Overview of C#. We can write the whole application with in one namespace or we can declare multiple namespaces as needed in our project. The general syntax of declaring a namespace is

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Statements in C#

The real nuts and bolts of a programming languages is that which controls the flow of a program called statements. Types of Statements in C# C# borrows most of its statements directly from C and C++, though there are some...

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Polymorphism: Object Oriented Programming (OOP)

In OOP terms, polymorphism represents the ability to resolve a reference to an object’s method at run time. Specifically, different objects could make a call to a Draw or Print method, and these methods would act differently with each object; the process can take different forms behind a common interface. One of the benefits of polymorphism is that because the interface is common to objects, any object is able to respond differently to some common set of tasks, and objects are independent of each other.

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An Overview of C#

C# is a new programming language specifically designed for Microsoft .NET Framework. C# is significant in two respects. It is specifically designed for use with Microsoft’s .NET Framework. It is based on modern Object...

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