Tag: CSharp

Expert C# Business Objects

This book is a translation of Lhotka’s industry-standard title, Visual Basic.NET Business Objects, into the language of C#. Rockford Lhotka’s ideas continue to be extremely influential in all programmer circles of any language, but most naturally it will be C# developers over the next couple of years at least who will most likely be involved in the kinds of programming projects and architectures that Lhotka discusses.

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Microsoft .NET – C# Programming

C# and .NET have a symbiotic relationship. Certain features in C# are tailored to complement the capabilities of .NET, and conversely, specific aspects of .NET are designed to align seamlessly with C#. However, it’s worth noting that .NET is versatile, aiming to accommodate a plethora of programming languages.

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Elon Musk
Discover the mind behind the innovations – Elon Musk by Walter Isaacson, now on Audible. Dive into the life of a visionary shaping our future!
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