Data Structure

Binary Trees

Binary Trees

A binary tree is made of nodes, where each node contains a "left" pointer, a "right" pointer, and a data element. The "root" pointer points…

Arrays as Data Structure in C/C++

As discussed in the previous post, there are two types of data structures available to C and C++ programmers. One is already built into the…

Data Structure Articles: Stack, Queue, Arrays and Linked List

The basic aim of website was to develop a website for students of C/C++ and data structures. There are lots of tutorials and source…

Java Program to Demonstrate the Use of Linked List

This is a very simple implementation of linked list in java programming language. Very nice and well commented java source code for beginners.

Java Program to Show Stack Implementation

This is a simple Java program to demonstrate the Stack data structure implementation. This code provides a simple implementation of a stack with basic operations…

Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ (2nd Edition)

In this second edition of his successful book, experienced teacher and author Mark Allen Weiss continues to refine and enhance his innovative approach to algorithms…

Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java

Provides a proven approach to algorithms & data structures using the exciting Java programming language as the implementation tool. With Java, the author highlights conceptual…

Stack Implementation with Array

This java code implements stack functionality by using arrays. It can Pop and Push an item in stack with the help of array. The item…