
Multiple Inheritance in C++

Multiple Inheritance in C++

Multiple Inheritance in C++ is a powerful yet intricate feature that allows a class to inherit properties and behaviors from more than one base class.…

Understanding C++ Templates: A Simplified Guide

Learn the basics of C++ templates and how they are used in programming. This article breaks down the concept of templates, their types, and common…

Multiple inheritance

In order to keep the program as simple as possible, all of the member methods are defined as inline functions.? This puts the code for…

Demonstration of inheritance in C++

Demonstration of inheritance in c++. This example contains the following files. VEHICLE.H VEHICLE.CPP ALLVEHIC.CPP CAR.H CAR.CPP TRANSPORT.CPP TRUCK.H TRUCK.CPP Vehicle.h is a basic class for…

Miltiple Inheritance

The basic concept of multiple inheritance (MI) sounds simple enough: you create a new type by inheriting from more than one base class. The syntax…

Queue Implementation with Inheritance and Polymorphism

Following is the source code of simple queue implementation with the help of Inheritance and Polymorphism i.e. Late Binding.

Object Oriented Programming (OOP)

For a programming language to be considered Object-Oriented, it must support the concept of objects (abstract data types), inheritance, and polymorphism. In simple terms, OOP…