Tag: Internet

What are the Benefits of Artificial Intelligence in e-business?

Handling an eCommerce business amid the increasing market competition is becoming more and more complex. But thanks to AI, while you may be behind in assets compared to the giant retailers in the market, you can utilize comparative technologies to make your organization effective and exceptionally noticeable.

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Knowledge: How to validate JSON data return is valid?

There are several scenarios where we need different types of JSON validation. In this article, we will cover the following. Here, we will have a look at how to validate incoming JSON data. To check if all required fields are present in the JSON and validate the data.

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Social media has changed in the past decade

Social media has become an obvious part of modern life, and the number of users who use social media daily increases every day. The 2010s changed the internet in ways that look like impossible at the time. Big players in social media today are Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Snapchat and TikTok.

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