
J2ME in a Nutshell (O’Reilly Java)

Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME) generally, and classes within it specifically. In addition to an annotated API reference, this book holds a lot of information…

Blackjack Java Game Challenge

Blackjack Java Game Challenge

The Blackjack game written in Java provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for players to enjoy a simplified version of the classic card game. Upon…

Find Words Frequency in a Text File using Java

The program demonstrates sorting techniques by sorting a list of words based on their frequency count. Novice programmers can learn about basic file handling, data…

Towers of Hanoi Java Program

This Java Program solves the Towers of Hanoi problem for a tower of 10 disks. Ten differently-sized disks are stacked in a pile, in order…

Java Swing GUI Example Program

This Java source code is an example of a Graphical User Interface (GUI) with different GUI elements such as TextBox, Buttons, TextArea, Text Area and…

Java Calculator Program with AWT and Swing Based GUI

This Java source code implements a basic calculator with a graphical user interface (GUI) using AWT and Swing. The program is structured in a way…

Simple Java Contact Form

The following Java code defines a simple GUI application using Swing. It creates a form with text fields for name and email, a text area…

String Sorting in Java

In this article, we explore different sorting techniques applied to strings in Java. We will look into the implementation of the direct insertion sorting algorithm…