
What Are Popular Automation Testing Tools To Maximize The Testing Efficiency?

What Are Popular Automation Testing Tools To Maximize The Testing Efficiency?

Defects and bugs are almost impossible to avoid in the software development process. Even with the best manual testing processes, they may slip through undetected…

Best Angular File Upload and Why It Is a Critical Component of Any Frontend Application

Almost every website must collect files from users. Whether they’re job applications on a company website or images and videos on social media, you'd wish…

Writing a Research Paper Using Python Programming Language

These days, writing any individual paper is independent work. In addition to obtaining new knowledge, the student learns planning, analysis, and the ability to evaluate…

5 Best Books to learn a new Programming Language

As an in-demand career, you must expand your knowledge, skill set, and experience as a programmer to keep up with the times. Learning a new…

10 Skills You Need to Get Hired as a Backend Developer

Backend developers are in great demand in software development companies. However, this job requires more knowledge and experience than ever before. Lack of experience and…

Binary Decision Diagram Data Structure

A BDD (Bryant 1986) or branching program is a data structure that is used to represent a Boolean function. On a more abstract level, BDDs…

Trie Data Structure

A trie (Fredkin, 1960), also called digital tree and sometimes radix tree, is an ordered multi-way tree data structure that is used to store a…

How to Create an Online Form Without Coding

The great thing about computer programming, and the thing that most non-coders don't understand, is that you can get your computer to do just about…