Tag: Programming

Effective Java 3rd Edition

Written for the working Java developer, Joshua Bloch’s Effective Java Programming Language Guide provides a truly useful set of over 50 best practices and tips for writing better Java code. With plenty of advice from an...

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C Program: Number Shuffling Game

This C program is a simple console-based implementation of a number-shuffling game. The game presents a grid of numbers, and the objective is to rearrange them in ascending order. The player can move the numbers by pressing the corresponding number keys, and the game tracks the number of moves taken to complete the puzzle.

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Advanced C++ Inheritance Techniques for Effective Object-Oriented Programming

In Object Oriented Programming Inheritance is the process by which objects of one class acquire the properties and functionality of objects of another class. In the last tutorial on inheritance in C++ we developed a model using modes of transportation to illustrate the concept of inheritance. In this article we will use that model to illustrate some of the finer points of inheritance and what it can be used for.

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Inheritance in C++

The principle of inheritance is available with several modern programming languages and is handled slightly differently with each. C++ allows you to inherit all or part of the members and methods of a class, modify some, and add new ones not available in the parent class. You have complete flexibility, and as usual, the method used with C++ has been selected to result in the most efficient code execution.

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Transitioning from C to C++: A Quick Guide for Novice Programmers

As we begin the study of C++ and object oriented programming, a few comments are in order to help you get started. Since the field of object oriented programming is probably new to you, you will find that there is a significant amount of new terminology for you to grasp. This is true of any new endeavor and you should be warned not to be intimidated by all of the new concepts.

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Simple Image Viewer in Java with Swing

This Java program is a simple image viewer application designed for novice Java programmers. The program utilizes the Swing library to create a graphical user interface (GUI) with a JFrame, JPanel, and JButton components. The main functionality of the Java program is to select an image file through a JFileChooser dialog, load the selected image and display it within the JPanel.

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Functions in C++ Programming

Functions are the building blocks of any programming language. In C++, a function is a block of code that performs a specific task. Think of it as a mini-program within your main program, designed to execute a particular operation. Functions are like building blocks that help break down complex problems into manageable chunks, making your code more readable and modular.

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React Native – The Complete Guide: Leverage your React skills to build native iOS and Android apps with React Native, including Push Notifications, Hooks, and Redux
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