Tag: Programming

Concepts of Smart Pointers in C++

Pointers are a foundational concept in C and C++ that allows developers to manage memory and manipulate objects dynamically. However, traditional pointers come with challenges such as memory leaks, dangling pointers, and complex manual memory management. To address these issues, modern C++ introduces smart pointers, a powerful abstraction that automates memory management and ensures resource safety.

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Differences Between malloc and calloc in C Programming

In C programming, dynamic memory allocation allows us to allocate memory at runtime. Two commonly used functions for this purpose are malloc and calloc. While they may seem similar, there are important differences between the two. This article explores these differences with examples.

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Game Engines Explained

The first, and perhaps most important, is to understand game engines. These development tools are becoming increasingly indispensable in the creation of modern-day digital games and they’re not going unnoticed by players. Today’s gamers are just as clued up on the tech that underpins their favorite titles as they are the content of the game itself — during the build up to the release of the CS:GO sequel one of the most frequent topics of discussion was what engine is CS2 on.

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Operators in C Programming

In C Programming, operators are symbols or keywords used to perform operations on values and variables. These are fundamental to performing various operations in C programming and are essential for building complex algorithms and programs. We can use operators to perform a wide range of tasks, including arithmetic calculations, logical operations, and comparisons.

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Structure in C Programming

A structure is combination of different data types. Lets take the example of a book, if we cant to declare a book we will be thinking about the name, title, authors and publisher of the book and publishing year. So to declare a book we need to have some complex data type which can deal with more than one data types.

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Pure Virtual Functions in C++

Pure virtual functions contribute to the development of flexible and extensible code. These functions promote abstraction, polymorphism, and a clear separation between interfaces and their implementations. They are a fundamental feature of object-oriented design that encourages good software engineering practices.

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Beginning C++23
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