Tag: Programming

Writing a Research Paper Using Python Programming Language

These days, writing any individual paper is independent work. In addition to obtaining new knowledge, the student learns planning, analysis, and the ability to evaluate the results and use specialized terms correctly. This type of activity can be creative, exploratory, fundamental, or applied. They also differ in the level of complexity and the areas studied. Moreover, you may not believe it at first, but many people often apply even a certain python language type to improve the quality of the material. Let’s take a closer look at this topic. 

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10 Skills You Need to Get Hired as a Backend Developer

Backend developers are in great demand in software development companies. However, this job requires more knowledge and experience than ever before. Lack of experience and essential backend developer skills are the main reasons why developers fail their job interviews. Therefore, it is important to lay the basis for the required hard skills that developers should have to nail down their interviews and get hired as back-end developers.

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Binary Decision Diagram Data Structure

A BDD (Bryant 1986) or branching program is a data structure that is used to represent a Boolean function. On a more abstract level, BDDs can be considered as a compressed representation of sets or relations. Unlike other compressed representations, operations are performed directly on the compressed representation, i.e. without decompression.

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Trie Data Structure

A trie (Fredkin, 1960), also called digital tree and sometimes radix tree, is an ordered multi-way tree data structure that is used to store a dynamic set or associative array where the keys are usually strings. Unlike a binary search tree, no node in the tree stores the key associated with that node; instead, its position in the tree defines the key with which it is associated.

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How to Create an Online Form Without Coding

The great thing about computer programming, and the thing that most non-coders don’t understand, is that you can get your computer to do just about anything you want it to. If you know how to code, you can build an online form with embedded marketing tools, analytics, adaptive formatting, responsive design, conditional logic and AI-powered auto responders.

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The Best Languages for a Cloud Dev

To become a cloud developer, you must learn some programming languages. There are numbers of factors driving demand for cloud computing and gaining popularity. . Businesses are moving to the cloud due to various reasons such as Flexibility and scalability , Speed and Convenience and cost reduction.

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A Quick Guide to Cloud-based App Development

A cloud-based application is any software whose components are stored online and whose processes are executed in the cloud. Data can be accessed offline even though it is stored in the cloud. You can use the software either through a web browser, mobile app, or desktop app.

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