Tag: Source Code

C++ Convert a number from base A to base B

This is a C++ class which has a member function that takes 3 arguments and converts the number from first base to second base. It takes the following arguments. – std::string thestlstring – int base – int base2

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C++ Program to demonstrate SnakeMan game

It is a snake game same as in Nokia Mobile Phones written n C++ using Turbo C++ compiler. I assure that you would love it. The code is quite simple to understand. I would be happy if you visit it. Kickstart your coding journey...

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ballonpoking(A GAME IN C++)

This game will help all new C Language Programmers in understanding the concepts of graphics and object oriented programming in C++. So play and enjoy………… Please post your comments and rate the game....

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TIC-TAC-TOE Enhanced Version – C++

This is an enhanced version of Tic-Tac-Toe (TTT) game by adding one more row and column. Actually I have played this newer version of Tic-Tac-Toe (TTT) game on a video game. So, when I learnt C/C++ programming, it was my wish to program this game myself using C/C++.

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