Source Code

C++ Client and Server, Overlapped Server and Thread Server

C++ Client and Server, Overlapped Server and Thread Server

This C++ Program demonstrate the use of pipes to pass a continuous stream of data between processes. It has four parts i.e. Simple named pipe…

C++ Database project Demo

This a database management project  that demonstrate the database operations. The operations include add, edit and delete the records. User can also search the records.

C++ Program to simulate Cache Coherence mechanism Graphically

This C++ program simulates the cache coherence problem graphically. In computer architecture, cache coherence is the uniformity of shared resource data that ends up stored…

Using Templates to implement Stack

In this post we are going to write C++ program to implement stack data structure using Templates in C++. Stack is an abstract data type…

Queue Implementation with Inheritance and Polymorphism

Following is the source code of simple queue implementation with the help of Inheritance and Polymorphism i.e. Late Binding.

Source Code: The Standard C++ Library: Generic containers

Container classes are the solution to a specific kind of code reuse problem. They are building blocks used to create object-oriented programs. They make the…

Runtime type identification (RTTI)

Runtime type identification (RTTI) lets you find the dynamic type of an object when you have only a pointer or a reference to the base…

The Standard C++ Library: Templates

The Standard C++ Library: Templates