Source Code

Common Text Transformation Library

Common Text Transformation Library

Common Text Transformation Library, CTTL for short, is a set of C++ classes and functions to understand and modify text data. The library implementation is…

50 Best C/C++ Source Code Pages and Websites

In this article, I am going to share 50 outstanding websites and web pages. which I believe. every C or C++ developer should know and…

Counting Words, Lines and Characters in a Text File in C

This is a small C language program that can read a text file. The program is given file name as command parameter and it reads…

Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms and Source Code in C

Master cybersecurity with Applied Cryptography! Explore protocols, algorithms, and real-world applications in this must-have guide for tech professionals and enthusiasts. Get your copy now!

Java Program to Demonstrate the Use of Linked List

This is a very simple implementation of linked list in java programming language. Very nice and well commented java source code for beginners.

Java Program to Show Stack Implementation

This is a simple Java program to demonstrate the Stack data structure implementation. This code provides a simple implementation of a stack with basic operations…

C# Program to Validate Email Address

This is a simple C# .NET Program to validate email address. The ValildateEmail() function checks for a valid email and returns true if the email…

C Program to Calculate Factorial of a Number

This C program is designed to compute the factorial of a user-entered integer. The program employs a for loop to calculate the factorial and then…