Source Code

color Wheel

This JavaScript will change the background from one color to the next for each of the 10 colors then it starts the loop over again!…

Random Background

Get a random background color with the touch of a button. This script uses 15 pre-determined background colors and then randomly chooses one. This is…

Type a color

This script is another neat way to spice up your webpage with JavaScript. Visitors just type their favorite color in the box and click a…

Current date and time (long)

This is the somewhat longer way to put the current date and time on your page. It writes in a longer date and time format…

Days till date

This little JavaScript will take an event or date in the future and compare it to the current date, then display how many days until…

Five function calculator

Five function calculator

Here is a really simple JavaScript calculator - with just 5 functions! (Add, subtract, multiply, divide, and power) This example can help you see how…

JavaScript Calculator Program

This is a very nice JavaScript calculator program to demonstrate simple operations such as addition, multiplication and division. Although the source code can get quite…

Airport Calculator

This useful JavaScript calculator will tell you the degrees, Nautical Miles, Statute Miles, and Kilometers between your originating and destination airports. It's got a built-in…